Make Up a Story
Stories from Around the World
Togetherness—The Family Has Begun
They’re penguins. They’re having an after-dinner stroll and they’re holding hands! Dinner was something in the fish line.
Probably the photographer has put them in position for the shot. There’s something dark in the background that must be a landmass. One of the penguins is called “The Chief” and the other is called Bert.
The penguins are feeling happy because they’re together, they’ve got full tummies and no washing-up! They’re having a relaxing time together. They have one chick, or baby penguin, called Alexandra the Great.
It’s taking place in Australia. They’ve come from Canada to Australia because they like the climate. There are shadows in the picture with rows and rows of landmasses, and the penguins need to get across the waterway. They may be out looking for food to feed the baby penguin. There’s lots of tucker in Australia, but it depends on the weather.
This story was created by Maria, Bill, Isabel, Peggy, Tony, Winn, George, Robert and Ellen at Mary Potter House, Calvary Hospital, on 29 August 2016.
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