Make Up a Story
Stories from Around the World
To pay the world a visit
When she is coming, you have to go away – to run for cover, so to speak.
She doesn´t drive – she still stands there. She just stands there, you can´t do anything about it. Does she want to fly at all or did she only take a seat?
This is an old airplane with engine. Downhill from the Chapel of Saint Martin, you won´t need an engine!
A nice picture. She is a beauty. She is as cool as a cucumber. She looks young – just like a child, because of this hood.
There is a handsome man around, she looks at him. This must be the boyfriend she looks at. She probably would never look like this at a husband!
She has family, probably children and a husband. Siblings, too, of course.
The family says: „She has the guts to do that – she is courageous!”
She is calm – just wait and see …
She has qualified experience! I don´t think she sits there just for fun. Maybe this is a photo while she is flying – moving pictures exist. This could be one of them.
She has to be capable to do that – just sitting in there, I could do that, too! But she is able to do that. She is really brave! She always does what she has in mind.
She wants to present herself to the world. She has big plans!
To be dressed like that, she wants to fly away. The clothes fit for the flight – all looks very stuffed. She wears leggings – for protection – and a motorcycle helmet, leather gloves, leather pantskirt.
She looks like she wants to fly on her own – besides – there is no space for anybody else. She says: „If I´m going to do that, than I´m doing it on my own!”
She´ll arrive wherever she wants – in any case. She doesn´t do that for the first time.
She leads a life on the go!
She does not bother with an old airplane – this was the latest model! She enjoys it.
I would love to do that, too! I was up there once and would love to go with her – but only if I´m convenient at this time.
Where does she want to go anyway? The way she is dressed, it must be cold there. I would love to fly across the Dolomite Alps – it is definitely cold there, but you would have a beautiful view up there.
There are so many beautiful places on earth! Yes, to pay the world a visit!
Infinite freedom, so to speak.
Over the clouds, freedom must be borderless. All your fears and all your sorrows, they say, remained unseen underneath, and then whatever seems big and important to us became vain and small.
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