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Stories from Around the World
The Singing Cowboy
He is nice looking. It must be hot. His name is Lazarus. He is wiping his neck , he is hot and perspiring and sweating. It is a very hot day and he has been out. He has been outside kicking and biting. He has been out all day and he is out of luck. He is going home now. He has been out. He lives somewhere near the hospital in Auburn. Your grandfather is good for his age. He may be in his late 30’s or 40’s. His wife and children are waiting for him at home .It iso a shame to be waiting for him . It is quite pitiful. He maybe a singer in a club or a hotel at the Parramatta RSL club. Oh, you beautiful doll, you great big beautiful doll.Let me put my arms about you, I don't want to live without you. Oh,you beautiful doll, you great big beautiful doll. If you ever leave me, how my heart would ache. I want to hug you, but I fear you'd break.Oh, oh, oh, oh. Oh, you beautiful doll......Oh, oh, oh, oh. Oh, you beautiful doll. He was looking for a duck in his kitchen, he probably like it. Everyone for their own. After dinner they will go to the pictures and then go home and go to bed. That is a good place to go.
This story was created by Brenda, Roma, Mabel, Monica, Jennifer and Valerie in The Carinya Dementia Unit on November 7, 2013.
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