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The man with a big flag / Ragel b’bandiera kbira
May 19, 2021
By the storytellers of Hamrun -Restorying Lives Project
That's Mr. Bush, or Hitler or Count Roger.He is called Richard and is between 56 and 70 years old. He has 4 kids.
He lives in America and loves buckles and keeps canaries.
He loves the stars & stripes and enjoys football.
He is holding a flag - looks like an Australian one. He is feeling proud because he won that flag. He flaunts it - he's a show off !
It was a sunny day in Spring.
I believe a ceremony is about to happen and all the vip's have been invited. He isn't happy - maybe his lover ran away.
He dreams of winning the lottery and seeing his kids living a comfortable life.
Dak Mr. Bush , jew Hitler, jew Count Roger.
Jismghu Richard u għandu bejn 56 u 70 sena.
Għandu 4 it tfal.
Joqgħod l-Amerika u jħobb il-bokli u jtajjar l-amorini.
Iħobb l-stars & stripes u jilghab il-futbol.
Qed iżomm bandiera donna ta' l-Awstralja.
Qed iħossu 'proud' għax rebaħ il-bandiera jew biex jitqażżeż - Kesaħlu !
Kienet ġurnata xemxija fir-rebbiegħa.
Naħseb ser issir ċerimonja, u hemm il-kbarat kollha.
He isn't happy - maybe his lover ran away.
jixtieq jirbaħ il-lotterija u li t-tfal isibu posizzjoni tajba.
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