Make Up a Story
Stories from Around the World
The Life of a Joker
His name is Sam, Sam is on a train or a bus. He’s going to a hotel. He’s very hot, he’s mopping himself. He’s not going very far on the bus. He needs to see a doctor. He’s going to the Rocks, that’s where the action is. He might be passed that. He’s pooped. On the weekend he’d be a bookie’s clerk, during the week he’s on the stage telling jokes, throwing things in the air. He’s a comedian. He’s got a family. He’s got that worried look about him! He’s worried about where he’s left his coat. He left his family at home. They’re very annoyed. They sent him out with that tie on, which is a bit off.
He has a nice complexion, nice clear skin when he’s not sweating. We hear the rustle of the paper, the traffic, car horns, people talking, mobile phones going off. We can smell perspiration, beer if he’s drinking it. We hear people chatting around him. Anybody who wants to sit next to him, he’s taken all the room.
People are laughing at him because he is a comedian. He settled down, went to sleep and missed his station.
He went home and was happy with his family. His family got stuck into him for being late, and he could be drunk. He crawls into bed and goes to sleep.
This story was created by Rosetta, Eileen, Freda at Calvary Rehabilitation Unit on 23 August 2013.
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