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Stories from Around the World
Land Ho Please!
October 9, 2019
You can tell he's doing a very good job, he's not afraid. Why should he be afraid? It's an infatuating situation. The dogs will love it.
I wouldn't want to be standing up there...afraid of heights. Does he have a gun? But we could find one. Why would he have a gun? It needs to do something to the sailor.
Looks like he's going to fall off. Popeye is his name. I don't think his name should be Popeye. I think it should be Popeye, the sailor man. I don't know his name, but I feel bad.
There are marvelous things and great to travel with! Someone is throwing up cause they ate too much. It's a small space, it looks like a horn...ooh it's entirely possible.
The animals can hear them moving around. Is this an ark? It's two of a kind...barking and making sounds.
Their finally stable so there gonna breeze, breeze, breeze until they come together. He's definitely hoping for somebody. He's hoping for the ones across. There's one that's pretty close.
He's waiting for his shift to be over and his ship to come in, or maybe Noah. He's making popcorn and waiting for someone to share it with.
That person doesn't have that thing. Could be most likely. He could be hanging off that's hard telling. He's got something to sing. All the guys there.
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