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Il-mistħija Drawback/ It’s a drawback to be Shy
January 29, 2020
By the storytellers of Restorying Lives Project (Zejtun)
These 3 women are called Manani, Evangelista and Cikka.
They are from Marsa or Zejtun.
I think they're hard of hearing because they're all wrapped up. It's a drawback to be shy !
They're single women - they didn't have any kids -however I never lived during those times.
They're probably around 60 or 80 years old.
They're waiting for something to happen before they go to Mass. Perhaps they're waiting for the Farmhouse door to open, and someone to have pity on them and help them out. Maybe they're keeping watch or gossiping.
It was Good Friday and an overcast day. They will go to say prayers in front of the Holy Sepulchre and perhaps say the Rosary. They will offer Mass for each other.
They dream of the past - and what they went through, their joys, but also when they went hungry - especially during Hitler's time.
In future they hope to go to Heaven, find everything ready for them, and they will sit down and rest.
Dawn it-tlett nisa jisimhom Mananni, Evangelista u Cikka.
Joqgħodu il Marsa jew iż-Żejtun.
Naħseb ma tantx jisimghu għax mghottijin :-) Il-mistħija drawback !
Xebbiet dawn baqaw - u ma kellhomx tfal naħseb imma ma kont ngħix fi żmienhom.
Ghandħom madwar 60 jew 80 sena.
Qegħdin jistennew xi ħaga tiġri qabel ma jmorru l-quddies.
Forsi qed jistennew li jinfetaħ il-bieb, bieb tar-Remissa, biex forsi xi ħadd iħenn għalihom.
Forsi qegħdin għassa - jew qed izekzku.
Kienet il-Ġimgħa l-Kbira u kienet ġurnata mudlama.
Sejrin jagħmlu vista lil Ġesu Saġramentat u forsi anke jgħidu r-Rużarju. Ha joffru quddiesa ghal xulxin
Joħolmu fuq l-imgħoddi - xi ġralhom - meta ferħu, u anke meta batew il-ġuħ - taħt Hitler speċjalment.
Fil-futur jixtiequ li jmorru l-Ġenna, isibu kollox lest, joqghodu bilqegħda u jistrieħu...
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Image Credits: Creative Commons 2.0: Attribution. Credit: Pierre Stafrace