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Stories from Around the World
Diehel il-Vapur / The Boat is coming in
By the storytellers at St. Joseph Ward - St. Vincent de Paul
Marbut max-Xatt
Dejjem ikun hemm
Simon jew Xmun
Tista tghidlu 'watchman'.
I like him.
Meta jkollu x-xoghol ikun jaqbel li jmur lejn id-dar.
Qed ihares lejn it-tanker f'nofs il-bahar.
Gie armat bl-incirata ghax forsi gej il-maltemp
jew gejja x-xita.
Qed ihares lejn il-Boat
Jista jkun li hu kaptan -
bin-nisa taghhom jinzlu fuq il-moll.
Jidhlu fir-ristorant.
Xi gmiel ikun fih il-kant taghhom.
Meta jmorru fejn il-bahar, jixorbu u jkantaw - Nothing wrong, qed jiehdu pjacir.
Il-Kaptan kien itini half a crown hdejn il-moll.
Simon jew Xmun ragel tajjeb
ghax jibqa ghassa fuq il-blat.
Qed ihossu 'happy' ghax qieghed hdejn il-bahar.
Hafna rgiel jmorru len il-bahar jaraw il-vapuri.
Qed ihossu kalm
Ghax kemm hi sabiha il-hajja.
Ir-riha tal-Bahar bizzejjed..tfuh..
Ta -2 piece (bikini) ihobb jarahom
Ikolli aptit naqbez u nmur nghum.
Hemm riha ta hut & everything that goes with it.
Jistaghdu bil-moghod.
U x'hin imorru d-dar, hi tkun qed isajjar u tghidlu 'kemm domt ?!'
Biex tkun fuq id-dghajsa trid tkun kaptan.
Gej il-vapur mal moll
in-naha taghna - Birkirkara.
Sa Raincoat ha mieghu ghax haseb li gej il-maltemp
Ghandu l-umbrella mieghu -
forsi ghandu date !
Qed jahseb kif ser jidhol fil-Port
Ghax il-Port kbir
U mil-Port il-Kbir tara hafna nies...
Ser imur jiekol wara, go xi hanut
ghax qabdu il-guh.
Jien nghid, li l-vapur gej
Ftit nies hemm fuqu.
Min hemm warajh ?
Mhux ser joqod wahdu.
Qabez go l-ilma nahseb ghax kien ilu bilqeghda.
Iz-zarbun jidher xott!
Nahseb li mar tard id-dar ghax ghandu l-gaketta f'idejh.
In English
Tied to the shore.
He's always there
Simon or Xmun
You could say he's a watchman -
I like him.
When he's got work, it pays to go home after.
He's looking at the tanker in the middle of the sea.
He's ready with an oilcloth - perhaps it will get stormy or there will be rain.
He's looking at the Boat.
It could be he's a Captain -
they disembark with their women on the Pier.
They go into a restaurant.
Their singing is delightful.
When they go by the sea, they drink and sing -
Nothing wrong, they're just enjoying themselves.
The Captain used to give me half a crown next to the Pier.
Simon or Xmun - he's a good man
because he keeps watch on the rocks.
He's feeling happy because he's next to the sea,
He feels calm
Because life is beautiful.
The smell of the sea is enough .. its beautiful
He enjoys watching the girls in their 2 piece.
I feel like jumping in and going for a swim.
There's a smell of fish and everything that goes with it.
They're fishing slowly.
And when they return home, she will be cooking and will tell him ' You're late!'
To be on a boat, you need to be a Captain.
The boat is coming to shore
On our side - Birkirkara.
He's even taken a raincoat with him as it looks stormy
He's taken an umbrella -
maybe he has a date !
He's thinking how he will get into Port
It's a big Harbour
and from the Grand Harbour, you get to see many people ..
He will go for lunch after, to an eatery
as he feels hungry.
I say that ship is coming in
With a few people on board.
Who is behind him ?
He won't stay on his own.
He jumped into the sea as he had been sitting for ages.
His shoes look dry !
I believe he went home late as his jacket is in his hands.
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