Make Up a Story
Stories from Around the World
Celebration to Grandma and to Mom
This picture tells the story of a birthday celebration (BM)! This couple could be friends (BM), who stay in the same community (CL) or who just “looks like I’ve seen you from somewhere” acquaintances (JF). Or more likely, they are may be a mother and a son because one is old (BM). They are dancing and having conversation (IM). They are having a good time (JF). The music is salsa music (EC & CL) and there is lots of laughter (CL). The mother is named Mary, and the son’s name is John (EC). They are celebrating Mary’s birthday. She is probably about 80 or 85 (IM), and Mary is saying that “age is just a number” (JF). This celebration is at the beach (MG). Everyone is dressed really casually (CL), and there will be balloons later (BM) and a cake, too (MG). Mary and John are happy, happy, happy (EC), and they are having fun (IM). Mary is happy to be dancing with her son (BM). They are dancing because they are happy….or high (JF). Right before the dancing, the son John just came up and surprised his mom with a dance (BM) or just asked, “Mom, come on. Let’s dance!” (MG) John is really content (CL).
Mary’s other sons are somewhere there, too, and one is named Albert, and one is named Frank (JF). The two little children are her grandsons (CL), and Mary is their grandmother (IM). The kids are watching Mary and John dancing, and they are curious about what will be happening next (MG). There are also men in the corner talking, maybe about getting something to drink (MG). One man is playing the guitar (CL). One man is saying, “Keep on keeping on”, and another is saying “We’ve got to stop sometime” (JF). Mary is the only woman in the room (BM) b/c she had all boys (CL), but there might be another woman in the back socializing (SG).
At the end of the party, they all give goodbyes (IM) and give Mary a hug (CL). Then, they go home and relax (CL), or rest (MG), or sleep (IM). Maybe they bud wings and fly (JF)!
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