Make Up a Story
Stories from Around the World
Celebrating Grandma’s Birthday and Singing “Happy Birthday to You”!
There is a mother there. The kids are giving the Nana and mother some flowers. Someone is taking a photo. It’s probably the grandmother’s birthday. It’s the grandson who is giving the flowers and his friend in the green hat is taking a photo.
People seem to be standing around. They are sticky beaks! It could be a scandal and they’re talking about it. Let’s face it, things do happen. People giggle and laugh about it.
The grandson looks about 12 years old. His name is Stephen and his friend is called George. The grandmother is pleased to receive the pretty flowers—red roses! Going on her own family, Isabel thinks that the grandson bought the flowers. Pam thinks it could be Mother’s Day as well as a birthday.
You can hear the click sound of the cameras. There’s no food in sight—not yet. Because it’s a family occasion, Mum and Grandma will have the same to eat as the kids.
It’s quite on the cards that the mother and grandmother spent the day before cooking and putting things in the fridge. But they want everyone to have an equally happy day, on the day.
Everybody smiles at things, but sometimes they might be having a bit of a laugh about what someone’s done, especially with cameras clicking. The young boys are on one side and the Nana and the mother are on the other side. They are nice boys. The grandson is kneeling down to give the grandmother the flowers.
The family got together. They tried to play a tune and some music.
Bill thinks that we will be the sticky beaks if we keep talking about these people!
When families are happy they like to talk about what someone’s done, and the neighbours too!
Crissie comments that some cameras show you the photo straight away. Afterwards, there will be refreshments. The boys will be thirsty. They will make a party of it!
This story was created by Bill, Isabel, Guiseppe (Joe), Maria, Ellen, Peggy, Pam, Crissie, Roberta and John at Mary Potter House, Calvary Hospital, on 16 May 2016.
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