TimeSlips’ Mission in Action: A Story of Some Righteous Fun
December 15, 2022
You might think superheroes can’t combat loneliness or bust-a-move to beat the bad guys, but in 2018, at St. Anne’s Center for Intergenerational Care, Stein Campus, the paradigm began to shift.
Let us introduce you to a program that began as an offshoot in 2018 at one of two campuses that held regular creative engagement sessions and that still has super powers to ignite and transform interactions today for other individuals that learn about it and create with others.
“We had so much fun,” says Elaine Maly, TimeSlips Certified Trainer and longtime Certified Facilitator who co-lead the group with young adults at the Stein campus of St. Anne’s Intergenerational Center from 2018 until 2020. Maly, who still has regular TimeSlips sessions with the St. Anne’s Bucyrus campus, has found inventions of superheroes heartwarming and inspirational.
The super-group had a large ripple effect after it was shared in 2019: a set of Beautiful Questions were created for use with new trainees and created for use on the TimeSlips Creativity Center; the original program has been shared as a project of excellence with multiple organizations and individuals looking to examples of exemplary in-person programming; and is a project that hopefully will be reignited.
“People are amazed at the stories that came out of the group. It’s a great example of how TimeSlips lets the whole person shine because they feel empowered to be known as they are,” said Maly.
On a given day, Maly had 6 participants. Each session ended with music and “felt like a party”.
The initial project celebration for the Stein campus had a Fall 2019 gathering of the participants, community members, family members, and staff with illustrated booklets printed with each superhero’s likeness by a local, community-engaged artist to emphasize their superpowers.
“We had plans to do a ‘Superheroes Part II'” before 2020 and I’d love to get back to that,” says Maly.
For more information on how to form your own Righteous League – visit this link from our “Do a Creative Project” section of the Creativity Center.